Monday, September 29, 2014

Coconut Oil- the best healant for cavities and all tooth decay issues!

Healing Cavities (A True “We’ve-Done-It!” Story!)

Oh, people. I”m about to reveal something to you that has taken me months to work up the nerve to confess.
Are you ready for this? {I’m not sure I am, but here goes…}
I haven’t used toothpaste in over a year.
Oh my gosh. I can’t believe I just said that out loud. On the internet.
I guess now I have to explain myself, huh?

Exploring alternate tooth care…

Over a year ago now I started looking into natural tooth care, as part of my goal to make better, more natural choices in each area of my health and my household.

I thought we had been doing good in this area, using a ‘natural’ brand toothpaste. Until I realized that even my natural toothpaste had stuff I knew I wanted to avoid–like sweeteners, fluoride, and glycerin.

Healing Cavities (A True “We’ve-Done-It!” Story!)

Oh, people. I”m about to reveal something to you that has taken me months to work up the nerve to confess.

Are you ready for this? {I’m not sure I am, but here goes…}

I haven’t used toothpaste in over a year.

Oh my gosh. I can’t believe I just said that out loud. On the internet.

I guess now I have to explain myself, huh?

Exploring alternate tooth care…

Over a year ago now I started looking into natural tooth care, as part of my goal to make better, more natural choices in each area of my health and my household.

I thought we had been doing good in this area, using a ‘natural’ brand toothpaste. Until I realized that even my natural toothpaste had stuff I knew I wanted to avoid–like sweeteners, fluoride, and glycerin.

It didn’t take long as I looking into natural, holistic approaches to tooth care to realize that what we eat has so much more of an affect on our teeth than the substance we scrub them with, and maybe my search for a ‘safe’ toothpaste was a waste of energy. And then I read about people not using toothpaste at all, and, well, since toothpaste (and the alternatives people talked about using) has always given me the ibby-jibbies, I decided to just quit the habit entirely.

So, I just scrubbed with water. And it seemed to work fine.

What in the world is Oil Pulling?

Later, I heard about oil pulling. It was such a strange term, I didn’t even look into it for a while. Till I realized that the pain and sensitivity I had been experiencing in my teeth off an on for a while might be remedied through this idea. So, I read up on it—it made sense (coconut oil is anti-bacterial, and could pull toxins from your mouth when you swished it in your mouth for 15-20 min.)—and I tried it.
I posted the above photo on my Facebook page and had a lot of friends ask me to report how it worked. So, here’s the report:

I loved how my teeth felt on this new cleansing routine—I felt it reduced plaque and made my teeth stronger. Within a month, all sensitivity I’d been experiencing in my lower molars was gone.

So, I quit toothpaste, and replaced it with oil pulling, and my teeth have never been healthier.

Now, that’s my story, but I put a ‘we’ in the title, because Jeremy’s got a story, too.

And Then Mr. Holden Tried It…

Several months ago, my husband came up to me and said, “I think I have a cavity.” I looked in his mouth and was mortified. His back wisdom tooth was—I kid you not—green and brown and black and pitted, and definitely did not look healthy. Neither of us had ever had a cavity before, but I was pretty sure this was a case study.

I said, “Honey! You need to start oil pulling right away!”

Well, you know, he kinda looked at me the way I imagine you looked at me when I said I quit toothpaste.

But a week later, he felt a chunk flake off of said tooth, and the next morning he pulled out the coconut oil before breakfast. (They say you should rinse first thing in the am).

He began oil pulling faithfully every morning, as well as taking cod liver oil (upping nutrition was something I read was key to regenerating tooth decay). Within 3 days, he said the pain was gone. And a month later, after oil pulling 5-6 times a week, I looked in his mouth, and his tooth was—are you ready for this? White. White with a bit of yellow, but the black and green and brown were all gone, and the surface of the tooth was smoothing out instead of being pitted.

People, I am not lyin’ here.

Tooth regeneration is possible, and surprisingly simple…

God designed our bodies so incredibly. If we are nourishing our bodies well, He designed them to be able to heal from injury and disease—even our teeth.

I share our stories because the idea of ‘healing your teeth’ is quite foreign to people. But listen to this…

“That tooth decay is caused by nutrient deficiencies and not bacteria has been proven in both animal and laboratory experiments published in books and dental journals…

…If brushing, flossing, massive fluoridation campaigns, and dental surgery were effective in preventing tooth decay, it would not get worse over time. It would stay the same, or get better.”  (Ramiel Nagel of

But that’s not what’s happening, is it? It has become normal to have our teeth rot out of our head, starting not in our 60’s, or 40’s, but as children and even babies.

“What is missing from the ADA’s bacteria theory of cavities is that strong teeth resist acid and bacteria. And when you, the consumer, understand that a strong tooth resists acid indefinitely, then the next logical question is, what makes a tooth strong?” (Ramiel Nagel)

The answer, which Ramiel details in his ebook (linked below) is good nutrition. And you know what it means when I use that term around here…lots of whole foods, good fat, raw milk, tasty meats and properly prepared grains and veggies. Ramiel especially stresses whole, raw milk in the diet and plenty of deeply nourishing fats like butter oil and cod liver oil.

So, gotta a toothache? Wish you had stronger teeth? Don’t despair. You can actually do something other than have them all pulled and getting dentures. (Oh, yay!) Increase your nutrition and try oil pulling!

How to Oil Pull With Coconut Oil

1. Scoop about 2 tsp. of coconut oil out of your jar and pop it in your mouth.
2. Chew or hold the oil in your mouth till it melts and becomes liquid (takes about 30 seconds).
3. Start swishing, pulling the oil back and forth and sideways through all your teeth.
4. Swish for 20 min., spitting the oil out (into the trash) when you’re finished.

Why Oil Pulling works:

Your teeth are actually porous, comprised of yards and yards of minute passages (like a sponge) that bring nutrients to the outer enamel when good nutrition is present in your diet…or suck toxins into the teeth when nutrition is lacking. Oil itself has the ability to cut right through plaque to the tooth surface, and coconut oil in particular has rich, anti-bacterial properties. It’s believed that  one of the reasons oil pulling strengthens teeth is that it can help reverse the flow of toxins, pulling bacteria out of the teeth, and becoming a vehicle to dispose of toxins. Also, we’ve found the swishing action can be as effective as flossing, without any damage to gums (yes–I’ve gotten popcorn kernels out with oil pulling!)

Where to get good Coconut Oil:

Any organic, cold-pressed, virgin coconut oil will work for this. If it smells like coconut, that’s a sign that it hasn’t been over-processed and still has all the wonderful things God put in the coconut to begin with! You’re looking for coconut oil that is cold pressed, extra virgin, and organic, like this brand available right from Amazon (this is an affiliate links–thanks for helping me keep the lights on around here!).

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Herbs that can repair and heal pulmonary damage

15 Plants & Herbs That Can Boost Lung Health, Heal Respiratory Infections & Repair Pulmonary Damage
February 20, 2014 by Joe Martino. 100 Comments.

When it comes to taking herbs as a form of treatment for illness, it seems the mainstream belief is that they are not as effective and not worth taking. While effectiveness of each herb and their use has not been studied deeply to determine how effective it can be across the population, the same could be said for most pharmaceutical drugs. Much of the time, pharmaceutical drugs attempt to mimic a compound that occurs naturally in nature (herbs) but often bring the risk of side effects.


Safety is one of the most critical areas of review amongst herbs and drugs. So far, zero deaths have been reported due to the use and consumption of herbs. However, pharmaceutical drugs and physician prescribed medications kill approximately one million Americans each year. While it is important to note that herbal medicines can be lethal in extreme doses, it appears their safety is much greater than that of pharmaceutical drugs. [2]

Interestingly, pharmaceutical drugs are actually adding to the world-wide issue of declining health due to their side effects and encouragement of viral resistance. Antibiotics in particular are adding to the wave of increased viral strength when it comes to certain infections. [3] Herbs on the other hand can be a useful tool in fighting infections that have turned into super bugs due to the overuse of antibiotics.

It is always useful to perform as much research as possible, or as you see fit, when it comes to both pharmaceutical drugs and herbs prior to taking them. Just as we would be so skeptical about herbs, we should be just as skeptical about pharmaceutical drugs. Contrary to popular belief, the un-popularity of herbs in western culture is due to scrutinization that comes from pharmaceutical companies and those who can benefit from the sale of pharmaceutical drugs. Herbs cannot be patented and owned, only synthetic drugs can which is why many pharma companies operate the way they do. Seek out the assistance of a Naturopathic doctor before you use herbs.

Below is a list of herbs that can not only boost lung and respiratory health but can also repair it.
Herb information is courtesy of John Summerly who is nutritionist, herbologist, and homeopathic practitioner.

1. Licorice Root
Licorice is one of the more widely consumed herbs in the world. In Traditional Chinese Medicine it occurs in more formulas than any other single herb because it is thought to harmonize the action of all other herbs. Licorice is very soothing and softens the mucous membranes of the throat and especially the lungs and stomach and at the same time cleanses any inflamed mucous membrane that needs immune system support . It reduces the irritation in the throat and yet has an expectorant action. It is the saponins (detergent-like action) that loosen the phlegm in the respiratory tract so that the body can expel the mucus. Compounds within this root help relieve bronchial spasms and block the free radical cells that produce the inflammation and tightening of the air ways. The compounds also have antibacterial and antiviral effects to them as well which helps fight off viral and bacterial strains in the body that can cause lung infections. Glycrrhizins and flavonoids can even help prevent lung cancer cells from forming which means they can even prevent lung cancer.

2. Coltsfoot
Coltsfoot has been traditionally used by Native Americans for thousands of years to strengthen the lungs. It clears out excess mucus from the lungs and bronchial tubes. It soothes the mucus membranes in the lungs, and has been shown in research to assist with asthma, coughs, bronchitis, and other lung ailments. Coltsfoot is available in dried form for tea or as an alcohol extract known as a tincture.

3. Cannabis
The toxic breakdown of therapeutic compounds in cannabis from burning the plant are totally avoided with vaporization. Extraction and inhaling cannabinoid essential oils of the unprocessed plant affords significant mitigation of irritation to the oral cavity that comes from smoking. Cannabis is perhaps one of the most effective anti-cancer plants in the world shown in study after study to stimulate cannabinoid receptor activation in specific genes and mediate the anti-invasive effect of cannabinoids. Vaporizing cannabis allows the active ingredients to stimulate the body’s natural immune response and significantly reduces the ability of infections to spread. Vaporizing cannabis (especially with very high amounts of cannabinoids) opens up airways and sinuses, acting as a bronchodilator. It is even a proven method to treat and reverse asthma.

4. Osha Root
Osha is a herb native to the Rocky Mountain area and has historically been used by the Native Americans for respiratory support. The roots of the plant contain camphor and other compounds which make it one of the best lung-support herbs in America. One of the main benefits of osha root is that it helps increase circulation to the lungs, which makes it easier to take deep breaths. Also, when seasonal sensitivities flare up your sinuses, osha rootm, which is not an actual antihistamine, does produce a similar effect and may be help calm respiratory irritation.

5. Thyme
Thyme is very powerful in the fight against chest congestion. It produces powerful antiseptic essential oils which are classified as naturally antibiotic and anti-fungal. Thyme is well known to zap acne more so than expensive prescription creams, gels and lotions. Thyme tea has the power to chase away and eliminate bacteria and viruses so whether your infection is based on either, it will work. Thyme has been used as a lung remedy consumed since antiquity and is used extensively today to prevent and treat respiratory tract infections and bacterial infection pneumonia.

6. Oregano
Although oregano contains the vitamins and nutrients required by the immune system, its primary benefits are owed to its carvacrol and rosmarinic acid content. Both compounds are natural decongestants and histamine reducers that have direct, positive benefits on the respiratory tract and nasal passage airflow. Oil of oregano fights off the dangerous bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, better than the most common antibiotic treatments. Oregano has so many health benefits that a bottle of organic oregano oil should be in everyone’s medicine cabinet.

7. Lobelia
Did you know that horses given lobelia are able to breathe more deeply? Its benefits are not limited to equestrians. It has been used as “asthmador” in Appalachian folk medicine. Lobelia, by some accounts, is thought to be one of the most valuable herbal remedies in existence. Extracts of Lobelia inflata contain lobeline, which showed positive effects in the treatment of multidrug-resistant tumor cells. Lobelia contains an alkaloid known as lobeline, which thins mucus, breaks up congestion. Additionally, lobelia stimulates the adrenal glands to release epinephrine, in effect, this relaxes the airways and allows for easier breathing. Also, because lobelia helps to relax smooth muscles, it is included in many cough and cold remedies. Lobelia should be part of everyone’s respiratory support protocol!

8. Elecampane
Elecampane has been used by Native Americans for many years to clear out excess mucus that impairs lung function. It is known as a natural antibacterial agent for the lungs, helping to lessen infection particularly for people who are prone to lung infections like bronchitis. Herbal practitioners often recommend one teaspoon of the herb per cup of boiling water, drunk three times daily for two to three weeks. Elecampane is also available in tincture format for ease.

9. Eucalyptus
Native to Australia, eucalyptus isn’t just for Koala bears! Aborigines, Germans, and Americans have all used the refreshing aroma of eucalyptus to promote respiratory health and soothe throat irritation. Eucalyptus is a common ingredient in cough lozenges and syrups and its effectiveness is due to a compound called cineole. Cineole has numerous benefits — it’s an expectorant, can ease a cough, fights congestion, and soothes irritated sinus passages. As an added bonus, because eucalyptus contains antioxidants, it supports the immune system during a cold or other illness.

10. Mullein
Both the flowers and the leaves of the mullein plant are used to make an herbal extract that helps strengthen the lungs. Mullein is used by herbal practitioners to clear excess mucus from the lungs, cleanse the bronchial tubes, and reduce inflammation that is present in the respiratory tract. A tea can be made from one teaspoon of the dried herb to one cup of boiled water. Alternatively, you can take a tincture form of this herb.

11. Lungwort
Lungwort is a tree-growing lichen that actually resembles lung tissue in appearance. However, this natural remedy doesn’t just look the part. As early as the 1600′s, lungwort has been used to promote lung and respiratory health and clear congestion. Pulmonaria selections come in all kinds so seek a herbologist for direction. Lungwort also contains compounds that are powerfully effective against harmful organisms that affect respiratory health.

12. Chaparral
Chaparral, a plant native to the Southwest, has been appreciated by the Native Americans for lung detoxification and respiratory support. Chaparral contains powerful antioxidants that resist irritation and NDGA which is known to fight histamine response. NDGA inhibits aerobic and anaerobic glycolysis (the energy-producing ability) of cancer cells. Chaparral is also a herb that fights harmful organisms. The benefits of chaparral are mostly available in a tincture extraction but chaparral tea may support respiratory problems by encouraging an expectorant action to clear airways of mucus.

13. Sage
Sage’s textured leaves give off a heady aroma, which arises from sage’s essential oils. These oils are the source of the many benefits of sage tea for lung problems and common respiratory ailments. Sage tea is a traditional treatment for sore throats and coughs. The rich aromatic properties arising from sage’s volatile oils of thujone, camphor, terpene and salvene can be put to use by inhaling sage tea’s vapors to dispel lung disorders and sinusitis. Alternatively, brew a strong pot of sage tea and place it into a bowl or a vaporizer.

14. Peppermint
Peppermint, and peppermint oil, contains menthol — a soothing ingredient known to relax the smooth muscles of the respiratory tract and promote free breathing. Dried peppermint typically contains menthol, menthone, menthyl acetate, menthofuran and cineol. Peppermint oil also contains small amounts of many additional compounds including limonene, pulegone, caryophyllene and pinene. Paired with the antihistamine effect of peppermint, menthol is a fantastic decongestant. Many people use therapeutic chest balms and other inhalants that contain menthol to help break up congestion. Additionally, peppermint is an antioxidant and fights harmful organisms.

15. Plantain Leaf
With fruit that is similar in appearance to a banana, plantain leaf has been used for hundreds of years to ease cough and soothe irritated mucous membranes. Many of its active constituents show antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, as well as being anti-inflammatory and antitoxic. Clinical trials have found it favorable against cough, cold, and lung irritation. Plantain leaf has an added BONUS in that it may help relieve a dry cough by spawning mucus production in the lungs.






Monday, September 22, 2014

Daawat-E-Ishq, Hindi Bollywood Film Movie review, Johnson Thomas Rating: * * * 1/2

Daawat-E-Ishq, Hindi Bollywood Film Movie review, Johnson Thomas Rating: *  *  * 1/2
<a href=""><a href=""><a href=""><a href=""><a href=""><a href=""><a href=""><a href=""><a href="http://www.timesofindia /"><a href=""><a href=""><a href=""></a></a></a></a></a></a></a></a></a></a></a></a><a href=""><a href=""></a></a>
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#DaawatEIshq(hindi) Rating: *  *  * ½ Pitch Perfect romance touching Foodie heights with a strong message thrown in. #HabibFaisal excels in creating an immensely delightful menu with Aditya Roy Kapoor, Parineeti Chopra and Anupam Kher providing strong garnish and flavor. A perfect recipe for success if ever! #AdityaChopra #YashRajFilms #SpicePR #ParineetiChopra #AdityaRoyKapoor #AnupamKher #HabibFaisal

Hindi Film Review
Johnson Thomas

The Perfect Recipe for Love

Film: Daawat-E-Ishq
Cast: Parineeti Chopra, Aditya Roy Kapoor, Anupam Kher, Karan Wahi
Director: Habib Faisal

Rating: *  *  * ½

A movie that focuses on food to do the trick for love is a rare commodity in formulaic mainstream  Bollywood. So when Yashraj Films and Habib Faisal announced this Parineeti-Aditya starrer, many an appetite was whetted. The film looked promising and sustained promotions added much Spice to the foodie bouquet.

The eventual product- ‘Daawat-E-Ishq’ manages to live up to most expectations of the gastronomic kind as well as the cinematic one.
It’s a well-timed, vibrantly acted, intelligently plotted  saliva inducing entertainer and has the music to add soul to the garnish. A well educated Hyderabadi,Gulrays Qadir(Parineeti), a shoe saleswoman, is quite fed-up with the kind of offers she was getting in the guise of marriage proposals- everyone of them demanding more dowry than what her father, a court clerk, could afford.  The timely coverage of the Raja-Radha Reddy 498A dowry harassment judgement going in favor of the wife decides her future progrom.

Persuading her ‘phattu(petrified)’ father takes time but eventually she manages to convince him into playing a role for their lifelong betterment in the USA. So it’s now over to Sania Habibullah and her father who take up a suite in a 5 star hotel, announce Sania’s eligibility loudly to the who’s who of Lucknow who predictably queue up outside their hotel room door in droves. Among them is Haider who owns and manages a flourishing restaurant in the centre of the city. He obviously appears to be the most appetizing bali-ka-bakra(victim) with loads of cash and willingness to demand a sizeable dowry. The father-daughter con duo zero in on him and his family for them to pull off the scam that will fuel their trip to Utopia. Of course complications arise thereafter…

The manner in which Habib Faisal fashions his narrative, there’s no room for any slackening of the excitement. The steady build-up of strong engaging moments and gradual awakening of the romance heightens the enjoyment. With delicious food playing an integral role here, there’s plenty of spice in this cinematic culinary treat. The script is well structured and the dialogues are pretty much befitting to the milieu and the tale. Even the accents are economically rendered. The real magic comes from the perfect mixing of the rich and varied ingredients. The music is tarriffic to say the least and the performances perfectly primed. Parineeti Chopra effervescent charm and chutzpah make Gulrays imminently believable while Aditya Roy Kappor’s sanguine likeableness provides an amiable buffer for the heightening of the excitement. Add to that Anupam Kher’s harried to gamey father and the romantic broth gets all the more appealing. The enticement of a strong social message against dowry harassment , done with subtlety and candor makes the enticement richer. The eventual experience is therefore  strong on aromas, rich to taste! Go get a stomach full..




 <a href=""><a href=""><a href=""><a href=""><a href=""><a href=""><a href=""><a href=""><a href="http://www.timesofindia /"><a href=""><a href=""><a href=""></a></a></a></a></a></a></a></a></a></a></a></a><a href=""><a href=""></a></a>
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#SwanLake(#PVRLiveDanceBalletNusical) Rating: * * *1/2 A stunning evocation of a classic tale through a variety of dance forms grounded by graceful ballet. #MathewBourne’s stunning Spectacular may not have the emboldened art direction of last week’s #Cinderella but it sure makes up for it with indefatiguable and unimpeachable dance artistry to the tune of Tschaikovsky’s resplendent music.#MathewBourne’s spectacular raises the bar on performance artistry. Stunning use of varied dance forms to convey the dysfunction of a Prince craving for affection. A memorable take on a classic. Unflagging 2 hrs plus of masterly choreography and brilliant da nce  #AvianMedia #GirishWankhede #PVRLive

#DaawatEIshq(hindi) Rating: *  *  * ½ Pitch Perfect romance touching Foodie heights with a strong message thrown in. #HabibFaisal excels in creating an immensely delightful menu with Aditya Roy Kapoor, Parineeti Chopra and Anupam Kher providing strong garnish and flavor. A perfect recipe for success if ever! #AdityaChopra #YashRajFilms #SpicePR #ParineetiChopra #AdityaRoyKapoor #AnupamKher #HabibFaisal

#TheMazeRunner(English) Rating: * * * Another cinematic adaptation of a successful Young adult novel, this one provides enough thrills, action and tension to keep you glued to your seats! Yet another cinematic cashing-in of a successful young adult novel, this live game show concept film has sustained adventure and thrills to keep you interested.#UniversalPR #ParagDesai #FoxStar #WesBall #DylanO'Brien #KayaScodelario #Will Poulter #JamesDashner


#AWalkAmongTheTombstones(English) Rating: ***
Brooding, melancholic, dark thriller takes a little too long to unwind.And just a little too enigmatic. Not enough consistency in tension to keep you glued, though. Sharp-shooting action and bloodied thrills do make up for some of the slack. The atmospheric advantage is lost in narrative indulgence but the bloodied action does provide fitful recompense #LiamNeeson #ScottFrank #DanStevens #BoydHolbrook #DavidHarbour #TOPEntertainment