Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Apple cider vinegar- the cure for most ills



Apple cider vinegar truly is an amazing medicine. Simple mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with 4 tablespoons of water. Add in two tablespoons of honey and mix.

This incredible medicine helps to aid in digestionblood circulation, and can even soothe a sore throat! It has also been documented to improve kidney and blood vessel function, which can help combat heart disease. Fertility can also be improved through apple cider vinegar! Lastly, apple cider vinegar has also been found to be a great ally in maintaining body weight and lowers high blood pressure.

Here is how you can use apple cider vinegar as medicine to combat almost anything and everything:

Cold/Flu/Sore Throat

Gargle the apple cider vinegar and honey mixture. This will soothe your throat, cough, and can help settle the stomach.


For headaches, mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with two tablespoons of honey. Mix well and drink the entire liquid. Your headache will be gone in minutes!

High blood pressure

For high blood pressure, mix two tablespoons with a glass of water. Consume this mixture 3 times a day in order to lower blood pressure!

Chronic Fatigue

Mix 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in 1 cup of honey. Store this mixture in a sealable jar. Consume two tablespoons of the mixture every night before bed.

Sinus Pain/Congestion

Add two tables spoons of apple cider vinegar into a glass of water. Do this as many times as possible throughout the day to combat the sinus pain.


Apply apple cider vinegar to the burn as many times as possible throughout the day. It will reduce pain and redness significantly.


Mix 1 part apple cider vinegar to every 2-3 parts water (depending on how much you want to make). Wash your face with this mixture 2-3 times a day.

Obesity/Weight Loss

Drink two glasses of water, each mixed with two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, every morning on an empty stomach.

Information contained on this site is not to be construed or intended as providing medical or legal advice. Decisions you make about your family's healthcare are important and should be made in consultation with a competent medical professional. We are not physicians and do not claim to be. Any views expressed here-in are not necessarily those held by HigherPerspective.com
Read more at http://higherperspective.com/2014/10/acv.html#xr6Zjq4H6DpR8jq3.99

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Honey and Lemon Cough Syrup with Coconut Oil

Honey and Lemon Cough Syrup with Coconut Oil    August 20, 2014 By Michelle Toole



This week my three year old daughter was sick with a bad cold. Poor little thing, this is the first bad cough she has had. I always have a hard time when my babies are sick. I do my best to care for them. I’ve spent a good part of this week snuggling her and feeding her nourishing food.

My daughter, Naomi, didn’t sleep well the other night due to her sore throat and cough. Being the “natural mama” I am, I decided to make her a cough syrup rather than purchasing medicine.

I did some research and this is what I learned…

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is rich in antioxidants and contains lauric acid, which is anti-bacterial and anti-viral. Coconut oil can be used to help prevent colds by boosting the immune system. Once the cold is set in, coconut oil can help reduce the length of sickness and can be quite soothing when added to warm honey-lemon water or tea.\


Honey has powerful anti-viral and anti-microbial properties! In clinical studies, honey has shown to be just as effective in alleviating coughs as over the counter cough medicine. Honey is also known to help alleviate allergies. According to this article, taking a few teaspoons of local raw honey a day prior to pollen season can be effective in boosting your immunity to pollen!

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is often used in home remedies for a good reason! It is known to help boost the immune system and also has antiviral and antibacterial properties. I personally like to drink lemon juice when I have a stuffy nose. It helps to clear my sinuses so I can breathe better.
Young Living lemon essential oil can be used in place of lemon juice. See recipe below for details.
 Young living lemon oil

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is rich in antioxidants and contains lauric acid, which is anti-bacterial and anti-viral. Coconut oil can be used to help prevent colds by boosting the immune system. Once the cold is set in, coconut oil can help reduce the length of sickness and can be quite soothing when added to warm honey-lemon water or tea.
Mix these three ingredients together and you have yourself a super immune boosting syrup that will help alleviate coughs and sore throats!

Honey and Lemon Cough Syrup with Coconut Oil

3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice or 4 drops Young Living Essential Oils
1/4 cup local raw honey
2 tablespoons coconut oil
Mix all the ingredients together in a small saucepan and heat over low until coconut oil is melted.
Take warm syrup by the spoonful as desired. You can also mix the syrup into hot water or tea.
Once the syrup is cooled the coconut oil will harden. Gently warm the syrup up before using. Store in refrigerator for up to a month.

These People Reversed Their Diabetes In 30 Days With This One Change



These People Reversed Their Diabetes In 30 Days With This One Change

Diabetes is one of the most rampant diseases of our time. According to the American Diabetes Association, in 2012, 29.1 million Americans, or 9.3% of the population, had diabetes. [1]

In fact, diabetes is growing at a fairly fast rate. A study completed by the CDC & Research Triangle Institute concluded that If recent trends in diabetes prevalence rates continue linearly over the next 50 years, future changes in the size and demographic characteristics of the U.S. population will lead to dramatic increases in the number of Americans with diagnosed diabetes. [2]

According to the current mainstream approach, the major goal in treating diabetes is to minimize any elevation of blood sugar (glucose) without causing abnormally low levels of blood sugar. Type 1 diabetes is treated with insulin, exercise, and a diabetic diet. Type 2 diabetes is treated first with weight reduction, a diabetic diet, and exercise. [3] Currently the belief is “Diabetes is a chronic disease that has no cure.”– The American Diabetes Association.

But what if we could not only prevent diabetes before it happened, but also reverse it once it shows up?

6 Test Subjects Reverse Diabetes In 30 Days
In the film Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days, six test subjects were used, all of whom had varying lifestyles and conditions but were all diabetic- five type 2, and one type 1. Each subject was taking insulin.

Before we get into the results of this film, let’s take note of what is established about type 1 and type 2 diabetes. This information is from The National Diabetes Education Program:

Type 1 diabetes – the body does not make insulin. Insulin helps the body use glucose from food for energy. People with type 1 need to take insulin every day.

Type 2 diabetes – the body does not make or use insulin well. People with type 2 often need to take pills or insulin. Type 2 is the most common form of diabetes.

The participants of the program were as follows:

Austin (age 25) was not only a type 1 diabetic, but he also had a drinking problem.
Kirt (age 25) had a blood sugar reading of 1200. Normal is below 100. His doctor told him, “You should be dead.”
Bill (age 58) was seeing a cardiologist and had neuropathy. He could not feel his feet.
Michelle (age 36) was quite obese.
Henry (age 58) took insulin plus 9 pills daily. Blood sugar was at 464.
Pam (62) was quite obese. Her father, brother and sister are also diabetic.
Simply-RawThe Method
The approach Gabriel Cousens takes to cure people of diabetes is all about changing their diet. He states that research shows that in terms of health, meat eaters have 4 times more breast cancer, 3.6 times more prostate cancer, 4 times more diabetes, and much more in general chronic disease. If you’re just having milk, that’s 3 times more leukemia.[4]

Given his position on diet, he believes in taking a mainly raw approach to eating and consuming a plant based diet. His team prepares raw, well-balanced and whole meals for the test subjects throughout the 30 day period. The food becomes their medicine.

With medical supervision, all of the subjects took their medication as needed and ate the food that is provided to them by Gabriel and his team at the Tree Of Life Rejuvenation Center.

By Day 3 of the program Kirt, Bill and Henry were able to stop taking insulin and medication. Their blood sugar levels had already dropped to the normal range after just 3 days of changing their diet. Pam was able to cut her insulin intake by 1/3. Austin, the type 1 diabetic, was able to cut his insulin intake down to half. And Michelle saw her blood sugar at around 362. This discouraged her to the point where she didn’t want to stay in the program any longer, although she did.

By day 12 of the program, Henry’s blood sugar had dropped 256 points compared to day 1. He was not using medication to lower his blood sugar levels. Although he was seeing great results, Henry felt he was too old for the program and requested to go home. His family arrived on day 17 and he went home. By that time, he was no longer taking 17 medications, he had lost 30 pounds and his blood pressure had decreased. In Henry’s case, his addiction to the food he used to eat was too difficult to overcome.

By the very last day, day 30, incredible results were seen that intensely challenges the current belief that diabetes has no cure.

Kirt no longer needed medications. His blood sugar had dropped 214 points to as low as 73 (normal) without medication. It was later found out he was type 1 diabetic since the beginning. Status: Within normal range.
Bill stopped taking 19 medications and lost 32 pounds. His blood sugar dropped 214 points to 74 (normal) without medication or insulin. Status: Within normal range.
Michelle stopped taking all of her medications and lost 23 pounds. Her blood sugar dropped from 291 to 109 without the use of medication. Status: Within normal range.
Pam lost 26 pounds while her blood sugar dropped 167 points down to 112 without medication. Status: Within normal range.
Austin, who is type 1 diabetic, lost 20 pounds and reduced his insulin from 70 units down to 5. Status: Drastic improvement in diabetic condition.
As you can see, all participants had drastic turn-arounds in their health and all had their diabetes either completely reversed or severely under control. A type 1 diabetic (Kirt) had his diabetes completely cured -something that is considered impossible. All type 2 diabetics no longer needed insulin.

What Does This Tell Us?
Like many things in modern medicine, we don’t have all of the answers and in a lot of cases we have a difficult time admitting that what is currently mainstream  isn’t always the best course of action.

People everywhere are taking alternate routes to achieve results equal to and sometimes better than what is made available to them through mainstream voices like doctors and government appointed professionals. I feel it’s important that people know their options and have a fair chance of hearing them out. I know many people with diabetes who aren’t aware of the power of food in transforming their condition yet are taking insulin and following mainstream ideas as if it’s the only truth.

It isn’t to say that the mainstream is bad, it’s simply that we are missing out on other options in a big way. After all, the American Diabetes Association makes claims about there being no cures yet the above results would suggest there is more to that story.

Have you ever tried raw food to cure your diabetes? We are curious to hear some real live results from others.


1. http://www.diabetes.org/diabetes-basics/statistics/

2. http://care.diabetesjournals.org/content/24/11/1936.full

3. http://www.medicinenet.com/diabetes_treatment/article.htm

4. http://www.treehugger.com/culture/dr-gabriel-cousens-on-curing-diabetes-with-raw-food-and-on-why-going-vegan-makes-sense.html

5. http://www.webmd.com/diabetes/blood-glucose-control

Thyme Oil: A Natural Antibiotic


Thyme Oil: A Natural Antibiotic

(photo credit: http://frecklestotoes.blogspot.com)

Superbugs like methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) are on the rise and, unfortunately, are becoming resistant to the drugs used to treat them. When faced with a microbial infection, using natural antibacterial agents may not only be more effective but also safe and risk-free.
Apart from using spices like garlic, I recommend you try essential oils derived from herbs like thyme oil. Not only do they have antibacterial properties, but they also provide a number of health benefits. Before I go into thyme oil’s antimicrobial functions, let me share some information on the essential oil.
What Is Thyme Oil?

Oil of thyme is derived from thyme, also known as Thymus vulgaris. The perennial herb, a member of the mint family, is used in aromatherapy, cooking, potpourri, mouthwashes, and elixirs, as well as added to ointments. Thyme also has a number of medicinal properties, which is due to the herb’s essential oils.1

The benefits of thyme essential oil have been recognized for thousands of years in Mediterranean countries. This substance is also a common agent in Ayurverdic practice.2 Today, among the many producers of thyme oil, France, Morocco, and Spain emerge as the primary ones.3

Uses of Thyme Oil

Due to thyme oil’s antibacterial, antispasmodic, antirheumatic, expectorant, hypertensive, and calming properties, it has a long list of uses that include:4, 5

Home remedy – Thyme oil is used to relieve and treat problems like gout, arthritis, wounds, bites, and sores, water retention, menstrual and menopausal problems, nausea and fatigue, respiratory problems (like colds), skin conditions (oily skin and scars), athlete’s foot, hangovers, and even depression.
Aromatherapy oil – The oil can be used to stimulate the mind, strengthen memory and concentration, and calm the nerves.
Hair product – It is said that thyme oil can prevent hair loss. It is used as a treatment for the scalp and is added to shampoos and other hair products.
Skin product – Thyme oil can help tone aged skin and prevent acne outbreaks.
Mouthwashes and herbal rinses – Like peppermint, wintergreen, and eucalyptus oils, thyme oil is used to improve oral health.
Insecticide/insect repellent – Thyme oil can keep insects and parasites like mosquitoes, fleas, lice, and moths away.
Composition of Thyme Oil

Thyme is an example of an herb with over 300 varieties and various chemotypes, which are plants with the same appearance but have different chemical compositions. Each chemotype yields different oils with corresponding therapeutic benefits.6 This occurs when the plant is grown in different environments, climates, and soil.7

Depending on which chemotype it is derived from, the oil of thyme produced will have a distinct chemical structure. The known chemotypes are:8

Thymus vulgaris thymol – This chemotype has strong antiseptic activities and is 60 to 70 percent thymol. It goes by the name of “thyme” and “red thyme,” and is harvested during the fall.
Thymus vulgaris linalool – This is the most gentle of all thyme chemotypes. Referred to as “garden thyme,” this variation has potent antiparasitic and antifungal properties, and is grown in high altitudes.
Thymus vulgaris carvacrol– As its name suggests, this type contains the chemical constituent carvacrol. Its amount will depend on when it is harvested. When collected in the spring, it will contain 30 percent carvacrol, and 60 to 80 percent when harvested right after flowering or during the fall. T. vulgaris carvacrol is known for its antiseptic properties.
Thymus vulgaris thujanol– Found only in the wild, this plant contains 50 percent thujanol and is known for its beneficial effects on the immune system and hormones. It is often called “sweet thyme.”
Thymus vulgaris alpha-terpineol – This type is harvested during the early spring and has a pepper-like smell.
Thymus vulgaris geraniol ­– The geraniol chemotype has a lemon-like fragrance and is grown in high altitudes. It is often picked during autumn.
Thymus vulgaris 1,8 cineole – This contains 80 to 90 percent cineole and has diuretic, anticatarrhal, expectorant, and analgesic properties.
Thymus vulgaris p-cymene– This should be obtained within spring or else it becomes a different chemotype.
Thymus vulgaris phenol­– These are thyme plants that grow in high altitudes and contain up to 90 percent of phenol compounds.
Benefits of Thyme Oil

As I previously mentioned, thyme oil is an effective natural agent against nasty bacterial strains. A study9 presented at the Society for General Microbiology’s spring conference in Edinburgh pointed out that essential oils may be efficient and affordable alternatives to antibiotics in the battle against resistant bacteria.

Among the essential oils tested, cinnamon oil and thyme oil were found to be the most successful against various Staphylococcus species, including the dreaded MRSA.  Researchers said that this can help lower antibiotic use and minimize the formation of new resistant strains of microorganisms.

Oil of thyme can also function as a decontaminant for food products. As shown in Food Microbiology, both basil and thyme essential oils exhibited antimicrobial properties against Shigella sonnei and Shigella flexneri that may contaminate food. The compounds thymol and carvacrol in thyme oil demonstrated this benefit.10

Furthermore, thyme oil can be used as a preservative against spoilage and several foodborne germs that can contribute to health problems. It is effective against other forms of bacteria like Salmonella, Enterococcus, Escherichia, and Pseudomonas species.11

Other reports also show that oil of thyme has anti-inflammatory properties. In a research published in the Journal of Lipid Research,12 six essential oils including thyme oil showed the ability to suppress the inflammatory cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) enzyme in the same manner as the antioxidant resveratrol does. It was noted that the chemical constituent carvacrol was responsible for this effect.

The same study also noted that thyme and the other essential oils activated peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs), which help suppress COX-2 expression.13

In addition to these, significant health benefits of thyme oil include:14

Helps reduce symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome
Stimulates menstrual flow
Increases circulation and elevates low blood pressure
Triggers the removal of waste that may lead to cellulite
Eases nervousness and anxiety
Helps fight insomnia
Eliminates bad breath and body odor
How to Make Thyme Oil

Thyme essential oil is produced through the steam distillation of the fresh or partially dried leaves and flowers of the thyme plant. Distillation produces a red-, brown-, or orange-colored thyme oil, which has a strong, spicy smell. Further distillation yields white thyme oil, a clear or pale-yellow oil with a mild fragrance.15 As mentioned before, its chemical composition varies depending on the type of thyme used in production.

Like with other essential oils, thyme oil can be created at home. It not only has therapeutic uses, but it can also enhance the flavor and aroma of your meals. Fortunately, thyme essential oil is easy to make. Here is one online guide you can use to make your own homemade oil.16

What You Need:

½ cup fresh thyme
8 ounces carrier oil (ex. olive oil)
Mortar and pestle
Glass container

Wash the herbs and dry it by patting it with a clean cloth. You may also dry it in the sun or place it in a salad spinner.
Crush the herbs using the mortar and pestle to release their natural oils.
Place the crushed thyme and its oil into the saucepan, and place the carrier oil. Simmer this mixture over medium heat for at least five minutes or until it produces bubbles.
Turn the heat off and allow the mixture to cool. Pour the mixture into the glass container then store in a cool place.
How Does Thyme Oil Work?

Thyme oil can be used in a number of ways. It can be inhaled, applied topically, or used as a mouthwash. Below are some particular ways to enjoy its benefits:17

Relieve pain – Mix three drops of thyme oil with two teaspoons of sesame oil. Use this mixture as a massage oil and apply on the abdominal area to relieve pain. This may also be used as a massage oil to treat other types of pain.
Alleviate fatigue – Add two drops of thyme oil to your bath water.
Improve sleep – Add a few drops to your diffuser.
Promote oral health – Use thyme oil as a mouthwash by adding one drop to a cup of warm water.
Reduce appearance of scars and skin marks – Apply oil of thyme mixed with any carrier oil (like almond oil) on the affected area.
Use as cleanser – Add a few drops of thyme oil to your facial wash.
Treat or protect against respiratory problems – Add two drops of thyme oil to hot water and use for steam inhalation.
Uplift mood – Simply inhale the scent of thyme oil.
Is Thyme Oil Safe?

thyme oil side effects Thyme oil should not be used directly on skin, as it can cause sensitization. It must be first diluted with a carrier oil (like olive oil or almond oil). Before use, test on a small area to see if you have any allergies.18

This herbal oil should not be taken internally, as it can cause nausea, dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea, and muscle problems. Doing so may also negatively impact your heart, lungs, and body temperature.19 It may also stimulate the thyroid gland, which is why this essential oil is not recommended for people with hyperthyroidism.

Since thyme oil can be used to increase circulation, it should be avoided by people with high blood pressure.20 Pregnant women should steer clear of thyme oil because it can stimulate menstrual flow.21 Thyme oil should also be kept away from infants and young children because they are sensitive.

Thyme Oil Side Effects

Use of thyme oil may result in allergic reactions, even when it’s diluted. Some people who use it may experience dermatitis or inflammation of the skin. People with allergies to rosemary or mint oils should also stay away from thyme and its essential oil.

Always consult a physician or anyone knowledgeable in essential oils before using one, especially if you’re suffering from any disease or are taking certain medications.

Thyme Oil: A Natural Antibiotic originally posted on Mercola.com re-posted with permission

Monday, September 29, 2014

Coconut Oil- the best healant for cavities and all tooth decay issues!

Healing Cavities (A True “We’ve-Done-It!” Story!)

Oh, people. I”m about to reveal something to you that has taken me months to work up the nerve to confess.
Are you ready for this? {I’m not sure I am, but here goes…}
I haven’t used toothpaste in over a year.
Oh my gosh. I can’t believe I just said that out loud. On the internet.
I guess now I have to explain myself, huh?

Exploring alternate tooth care…

Over a year ago now I started looking into natural tooth care, as part of my goal to make better, more natural choices in each area of my health and my household.

I thought we had been doing good in this area, using a ‘natural’ brand toothpaste. Until I realized that even my natural toothpaste had stuff I knew I wanted to avoid–like sweeteners, fluoride, and glycerin.

Healing Cavities (A True “We’ve-Done-It!” Story!)

Oh, people. I”m about to reveal something to you that has taken me months to work up the nerve to confess.

Are you ready for this? {I’m not sure I am, but here goes…}

I haven’t used toothpaste in over a year.

Oh my gosh. I can’t believe I just said that out loud. On the internet.

I guess now I have to explain myself, huh?

Exploring alternate tooth care…

Over a year ago now I started looking into natural tooth care, as part of my goal to make better, more natural choices in each area of my health and my household.

I thought we had been doing good in this area, using a ‘natural’ brand toothpaste. Until I realized that even my natural toothpaste had stuff I knew I wanted to avoid–like sweeteners, fluoride, and glycerin.

It didn’t take long as I looking into natural, holistic approaches to tooth care to realize that what we eat has so much more of an affect on our teeth than the substance we scrub them with, and maybe my search for a ‘safe’ toothpaste was a waste of energy. And then I read about people not using toothpaste at all, and, well, since toothpaste (and the alternatives people talked about using) has always given me the ibby-jibbies, I decided to just quit the habit entirely.

So, I just scrubbed with water. And it seemed to work fine.

What in the world is Oil Pulling?

Later, I heard about oil pulling. It was such a strange term, I didn’t even look into it for a while. Till I realized that the pain and sensitivity I had been experiencing in my teeth off an on for a while might be remedied through this idea. So, I read up on it—it made sense (coconut oil is anti-bacterial, and could pull toxins from your mouth when you swished it in your mouth for 15-20 min.)—and I tried it.
I posted the above photo on my Facebook page and had a lot of friends ask me to report how it worked. So, here’s the report:

I loved how my teeth felt on this new cleansing routine—I felt it reduced plaque and made my teeth stronger. Within a month, all sensitivity I’d been experiencing in my lower molars was gone.

So, I quit toothpaste, and replaced it with oil pulling, and my teeth have never been healthier.

Now, that’s my story, but I put a ‘we’ in the title, because Jeremy’s got a story, too.

And Then Mr. Holden Tried It…

Several months ago, my husband came up to me and said, “I think I have a cavity.” I looked in his mouth and was mortified. His back wisdom tooth was—I kid you not—green and brown and black and pitted, and definitely did not look healthy. Neither of us had ever had a cavity before, but I was pretty sure this was a case study.

I said, “Honey! You need to start oil pulling right away!”

Well, you know, he kinda looked at me the way I imagine you looked at me when I said I quit toothpaste.

But a week later, he felt a chunk flake off of said tooth, and the next morning he pulled out the coconut oil before breakfast. (They say you should rinse first thing in the am).

He began oil pulling faithfully every morning, as well as taking cod liver oil (upping nutrition was something I read was key to regenerating tooth decay). Within 3 days, he said the pain was gone. And a month later, after oil pulling 5-6 times a week, I looked in his mouth, and his tooth was—are you ready for this? White. White with a bit of yellow, but the black and green and brown were all gone, and the surface of the tooth was smoothing out instead of being pitted.

People, I am not lyin’ here.

Tooth regeneration is possible, and surprisingly simple…

God designed our bodies so incredibly. If we are nourishing our bodies well, He designed them to be able to heal from injury and disease—even our teeth.

I share our stories because the idea of ‘healing your teeth’ is quite foreign to people. But listen to this…

“That tooth decay is caused by nutrient deficiencies and not bacteria has been proven in both animal and laboratory experiments published in books and dental journals…

…If brushing, flossing, massive fluoridation campaigns, and dental surgery were effective in preventing tooth decay, it would not get worse over time. It would stay the same, or get better.”  (Ramiel Nagel of CureToothDecay.com)

But that’s not what’s happening, is it? It has become normal to have our teeth rot out of our head, starting not in our 60’s, or 40’s, but as children and even babies.

“What is missing from the ADA’s bacteria theory of cavities is that strong teeth resist acid and bacteria. And when you, the consumer, understand that a strong tooth resists acid indefinitely, then the next logical question is, what makes a tooth strong?” (Ramiel Nagel)

The answer, which Ramiel details in his ebook (linked below) is good nutrition. And you know what it means when I use that term around here…lots of whole foods, good fat, raw milk, tasty meats and properly prepared grains and veggies. Ramiel especially stresses whole, raw milk in the diet and plenty of deeply nourishing fats like butter oil and cod liver oil.

So, gotta a toothache? Wish you had stronger teeth? Don’t despair. You can actually do something other than have them all pulled and getting dentures. (Oh, yay!) Increase your nutrition and try oil pulling!

How to Oil Pull With Coconut Oil

1. Scoop about 2 tsp. of coconut oil out of your jar and pop it in your mouth.
2. Chew or hold the oil in your mouth till it melts and becomes liquid (takes about 30 seconds).
3. Start swishing, pulling the oil back and forth and sideways through all your teeth.
4. Swish for 20 min., spitting the oil out (into the trash) when you’re finished.

Why Oil Pulling works:

Your teeth are actually porous, comprised of yards and yards of minute passages (like a sponge) that bring nutrients to the outer enamel when good nutrition is present in your diet…or suck toxins into the teeth when nutrition is lacking. Oil itself has the ability to cut right through plaque to the tooth surface, and coconut oil in particular has rich, anti-bacterial properties. It’s believed that  one of the reasons oil pulling strengthens teeth is that it can help reverse the flow of toxins, pulling bacteria out of the teeth, and becoming a vehicle to dispose of toxins. Also, we’ve found the swishing action can be as effective as flossing, without any damage to gums (yes–I’ve gotten popcorn kernels out with oil pulling!)

Where to get good Coconut Oil:

Any organic, cold-pressed, virgin coconut oil will work for this. If it smells like coconut, that’s a sign that it hasn’t been over-processed and still has all the wonderful things God put in the coconut to begin with! You’re looking for coconut oil that is cold pressed, extra virgin, and organic, like this brand available right from Amazon (this is an affiliate links–thanks for helping me keep the lights on around here!).