Saturday, August 30, 2014

Apple Cider Vinegar- Powerful Health Tonic


8 Reasons Apple Cider Vinegar Is One Of The Most Powerful Health Tonics In Your Kitchen

The question is not what Apple Cider Vinegar can do, but what can't it do. As a folk remedy, it has been credited with curing everything from the flu to warts or sunburn to dandruff. However, it also can help reverse many serious diseases that many would immediately turn to medications to solve. Here are 8 more reasons this powerful health tonic makes your kitchen your best pharmacy.

Unpasteurized or organic Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) contains mother of vinegar, which has a cobweb-like appearance and can make the vinegar look slightly congealed. It's the only way apple cider vinegar should be consumed.

ACV can kill head lice, reverse aging, ease digestion, prevent flu, prevent acne, reduces inflammation, kill fungus, regulate pH balance, dissolve kidney stones and helps relieve allergies, migraines, asthma, nausea, heart burn and wash toxins from the body. Science has also verified the the empirical evidence observed through the ages.

8 Reasons To Use ACV

1) Diabetes. The effect of apple cider vinegar on blood sugar levels is perhaps the best researched and the most promising of APV's health benefits. Several studies have found that vinegar may help lower glucose levels. For instance, a study (White, A. Diabetes Care, November 2007) of 11 people with type 2 diabetes found that taking two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar before bed lowered glucose levels in the morning by 4%-6%. In another study from Arizona State University, subjects took a drink of 20 grams of apple cider vinegarand 40 grams of water. Those with insulin resistance who drank the vinegar had 34% lower postprandial (after-meal) glucose compared to controls. Vinegar may be the most cost-effective medicine in history, but most people with diabetes still aren’t taking it. 

2) Allergies 
This miracle vinegar helps to break up mucous throughout the body and cleanse the lymph nodes. Believe it or not, research suggests that apple cider vinegar can help with allergies because of its ability to reduce mucous and sinus congestion. When reducing the effects of allergies, it can also help stave off sinus infections and their related symptoms, such as sore throats and headaches. 

3) High Cholesterol. A 2006 study reported in Medscape General Medicine, showed evidence that ACV could lower cholesterol. In a study published in a foreign medical journal, scientists found an apple cider vinegar-enhanced diet may increase in HDL (good cholesterol), and reduce levels of triglycerides. Research in rats suggests that apple-cider vinegar can help control triglycerides and cholesterol (Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, June 22, 2011). 

4) Blood Pressure and Heart Health. Another study in rats found that vinegar could lower high blood pressure. A large observational study also found that people who ate oil and vinegar dressing on salads five to six times a week had lower rates of heart disease than people who didn't. Researchers have suggested that ‘this reduction in blood pressure may be caused by the significant reduction in renin activity and the subsequent decrease in angiotensin II’. Potassium in the vinegar ‘balances sodium levels in the body, which aids in maintaining blood pressure within healthy limits’ and ‘apple cider vinegar also contains magnesium, a mineral that works to relax blood vessel walls and thus lower high blood pressure’. 

5) Restores Acid/Alkaline Balance and Balance Inner Body System
Some alternative practitioners recommend using apple cider vinegar to restore alkaline acid balance. The theory behind the alkaline diet is that our blood is slightly alkaline (with a normal pH level of between 7.35 and 7.45) and that our diet should reflect this pH level. The body constantly strives to achieve this state of equilibrium. Apple cider vinegar helps the body maintain a healthy alkaline pH level. Research shows that higher acid levels (lower pH level) leads to a lack of energy and higher incidences of infection. Proponents of the alkaline-acid theory believe that a diet high in acid-producing foods leads to lack of energy, excessive mucous production, infections, anxiety, irritability, headache, sore throat, nasal and sinus congestion, allergic reactions, and increased risk of conditions such as arthritis and gout. 

6) Cancer. A few laboratory studies have found that vinegar may be able to kill cancer cells or slow their growth. One study found that eating vinegar was associated with a decreased risk of esophageal cancer. In recent trials, pectin, which can be found in ACV, has shown promise in helping to slow the growth of cancerous cells within the prostate ( In addition, apple cider vinegar’s acidity aids in detoxifying and cleansing the digestive tract and cleaning out the colon, which supports the health of the prostate as well. 

7) Facial and Hair Health
It is widely known that apple cider vinegar can be used as a rinse for your hair after shampooing to add healthy body and shine. Recycle an old shampoo bottle and fill it with 1/2 a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and a cup of cold water. Pour through your hair after shampooing several times a week. You can also dilute apple cider vinegar with two parts water, and spread the concoction over your face with a cotton ball as a toner. You can do this at night after washing, and in the morning before you apply your moisturizer. You can also dab apple cider vinegar directly onto age spots and leave them on overnight to lighten their color. 

8) Weight Loss. For thousands of years, vinegar has been used for weight loss. White vinegar (and perhaps other types) might help people feel full. A study (Ostman, E. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition,2005) of 12 people found that those who ate a piece of bread along with small amounts of vinegar felt fuller and more satisfied than those who just ate the bread. A 2009 study on mice showed that consuming acetic acid (the active component in ACV), upregulates the expression of genes for fatty acid oxidation enzymes in the liver causing a suppression in body fat accumulation. In a double-blind experiment, obese Japanese were assigned to three different groups based on similar body weights, body mass indexes (BMI), and waist circumference. Each group drank a 500 ml drink containing either 30ml, 15ml, or 0ml of vinegar daily for 12 weeks. Those in the 30ml and 15ml groups had lower BMI, visceral fat area, waist circumference, serum triglyceride, and body weight to the control group of 0ml. The 12-week weight losses were modest: 1.2kg in the 15ml group and 1.7kg in the 30ml group. These two groups consumed a similar number of calories to the control group and also performed a similar amount of exercise, so the effect is not likely to have been due to an impact on appetite or other lifestyle changes. It was concluded that consumption of vinegar might reduce obesity.

John Summerly is nutritionist, herbologist, and homeopathic practitioner. He is a leader in the natural health community and consults athletes, executives and most of all parents of children on the benefits of complementary therapies for health and prevention.


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Detox your body from GMO food in order to immunize it...

Detox your body from GMO food in order to immunize it...


Genetically modified organisms are hiding throughout the U.S. food supply. And try as you might to avoid them, if you eat at a restaurant, are forced to pick up a snack from a vending machine, or even if you takesupplements that don’t explicitly state they are GMO-free, you are likely ingesting some GMOs. But the good news is that you may be able to detox these GMOs from your body – a few tips are just below.

Many GMO foods, but specifically corn, have been studied with frightening outcomes. From simple effects like weight gain to more serious ones like organ disruption and massive tumors, we have only really scratched the surface on all of the potential effects of these lab-created foods. This is why it is vitally important to regularly cleanse and detoxify your body of foreign health-wreaking materials. Keeping them out of your diet is the first step in ensuring you don’t experience their effects, but since GMOs can’t truly be avoided, detoxing is another route you’ll want to take.

Here are 4 simple ways to potentially detox GMOs from your body:
1. Increased Fiber Consumption
One of the best ways to ensure your body is eliminating those things which it has no use for (heavy metals, GM-toxins, and food additives) is through a high-fiber diet. This is achieved by eating plenty of plant foods but also by occasionally detoxing with something like psyllium husk.

Psyllium husk creates a sort of gel that, when consumed with plenty of water, will flush out the digestive tract, essentially taking all lingering toxins along. You can find organic psyllium husk at most health food stores or online.

2. Consume Probiotics and Fermented Foods
Your digestive system should be well-equipped for dealing with foreign invaders like GMOs and other toxins. When you eat fermented foods and consume probiotics, you create a healthy bacterial balance, ensuring your “gut bacteria” is able to break down and eliminate harmful substances in your diet. Consuming probiotics will also help your body to detox the Bt-toxin found in GMO crops.

3. Organic Sulfur
Jonathan Benson at NaturalNews suggests organic sulfur as a must-have for detoxing the liver. He calls this substance, also known as methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), “a critical component in detoxification, energy production, cell oxygenation, and immune capacity.” While it used to be found throughout the food supply, it has fallen by the wayside with “advances” in agriculture. Now, you can find organic, lignin-based sulfur crystals to help make up for the loss.

Read: Bentonite Clay to Detox Pesticides, Heavy Metals, More

4. Other Detoxifying Herbs
Other herbs that can help ensure GM foods don’t wreak havoc on your health arecascara sagrada and wild burdock root. Cascara sagrada is a cleansing herb, one that has been used for ages among indigenous people. It will clean out your digestive system and ensure healthy elimination. Wild burdock root also has cleansing properties, but works in a different manner. It is a diuretic and is considered a blood-cleanser.

Avoiding genetically modified foods should be your first line of defense. But creating a healthy body to fight those that do get in is important too. Regular cleansing and detoxification will help you avoid the negative effects of these and other modern food additives. 

Additional Sources:

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

A powerful and tasty antioxidant

Turmeric Smoothie Recipe: a Tasty and Powerful Antioxidant

By Karen Foster
Guest writer for
If you wanted to create the perfect smoothie with anti-cancerous properties, potent anti-inflammatories, as well as anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal constituents, look no further than adding turmeric. Although turmeric has a lightly bitter taste on its own, you won’t even notice it in this delicious healthy recipe.

Health Benefits of Turmeric

Who needs medication when nature gave us turmeric? Take a look at the incredible health benefits of this plant.
Powdered turmeric has been used for centuries to treat a host of illnesses. It is a known digestive aid, blood purifier, wound healer, skin tonic, analgesic, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, antiseptic, anti-carcinogenic, fat metabolizer, gas reducer and expectorant. It inhibits inflammatory reactions, has anti-diabetic effects and reduces cholesterol - among other powerful health effects. A recent study led by a research team in Munich showed that it can also inhibit formation of metastases.
Curcumin, the natural pigment that gives the spice turmeric its yellow color, has increasingly come under the scientific spotlight in recent years, with studies investigating its potential health benefits.
Turmeric has a slightly bitter taste, but by blending it with sweet fruit, you won’t even notice it in your smoothie. This recipe is so tasty and nutritious, you could have it daily.

Turmeric Smoothie Recipe

  • 1 cup hemp or coconut milk
  • 1/2 cup frozen pineapple or mango chunks
  • 1 fresh banana
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon turmeric (can be increased to 1 tsp)
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon ginger
  • 1 teaspoon chia seeds
  • 1 teaspoon maca (optional)
Add all ingredients into a blender and process until smooth. 
This recipe is best consumed in the morning on an empty stomach. Not only will it increase your energy for the first half of the day, but it will clear your mind and infuse your body with some of the most powerful antioxidants in the world. Now that’s a great breakast idea!
About the author:
Karen Foster is a holistic nutritionist and avid blogger with five kids and an active lifestyle, which keeps her in pursuit of the healthiest path towards a life of balance. 
This article was reposted with the express permission of the kind crew at


Tuesday, August 26, 2014

All About Allergies

What Do You Want to Know About Allergies?
Written by Brian Krans

An allergy is the immune system’s response to a foreign substance that is not typically harmful to your body. These foreign substances—such as certain foods, pollen, or pet dander—are called allergens. They elicit a response from your immune system.
Your immune system’s job is to keep you healthy by fighting infection and other harmful pathogens. It does this by attacking anything it fears could put your body in danger. This attack response, depending on the allergen, may involve inflammation, sneezing, and a host of other symptoms.
Normally, your immune system becomes acclimated to your environment. Your body encounters something like pet dander, realizes it’s harmless, and doesn’t attack. In people with allergies, the immune system confuses those harmless substances with outside invaders threatening the body.
Allergies are common, and there are several ways to treat them in order to avoid annoying and troublesome symptoms.
Causes and Types of Allergies
Allergies occur when a normally harmless foreign substance enters the body and your immune system has a hyperactive, exceedingly vigilant response to the invader. Researchers aren’t exactly sure why the immune system reacts this way.
They do know, however, that allergies have a genetic component, meaning that they can be passed down from parent to child. However, only a general susceptibility to allergic reaction is genetic. Specific allergies are not passed down. In other words, if your mother is allergic to shellfish, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you will be too.
There are several common types of allergens, including:
·         animal products: pet dander, dust mite waste, cockroaches
·         drugs: penicillin, “sulfa” drugs
·         foods: most commonly wheat, nuts, milk, shellfish, and eggs
·         insect stings: bees, wasps, mosquitoes
·         mold: airborne spores from mold
·         plants: pollens from grass, weeds, and trees, as well as resin from plants such as poison ivy and poison oak
·         other: metals, such as copper, and latex (ACAAI)
Seasonal allergies, also known as hay fever, are some of the most common allergies. These are caused by pollen released by plants, typically in the spring. They cause itchy, watery eyes, a runny nose, a cough, and more.
When to See a Doctor About Allergies
Allergy symptoms can create numerous complications.
Food allergies can trigger swelling, hives, nausea, fatigue, and more. It may take a while for a person to realize that they have a food allergy. If you have a serious reaction after a meal and you’re not sure why, see your doctor or a specialist. He or she will be able to find the exact cause of your reaction.
Hay fever symptoms can mimic those of a cold, and include congestion, a runny nose, and swollen eyes. Most of the time, you will be able to manage these symptoms at home using over-the-counter treatments. See your doctor if your symptoms become unmanageable.
Severe allergies can cause anaphylaxis—a life-threatening emergency that can lead to breathing difficulties, lightheadedness, and loss of consciousness. If you’re experiencing these symptoms after coming in contact with a suspected allergen, seek medical help immediately.
Your doctor can help determine the cause of your symptoms, as well as the difference between a sensitivity and a full-blown allergy. Your doctor can also teach you how to manage your allergy symptoms.
How Are Allergies Diagnosed?
There are several ways allergies can be diagnosed.
First, your doctor will ask about your symptoms and perform a physical exam. He or she will ask about anything unusual you may have eaten recently and any substances you may have come in contact with. For example, if you have a rash on your hands, your doctor may ask if you’ve put on latex gloves recently.
Food allergies are typically diagnosed through a process of elimination. Your doctor may have you take part in an elimination diet, in which you remove certain foods from your diet and then rate your symptoms. Foods are slowly added back into the diet and symptoms are recorded in a food diary.
Your doctor may also refer you to an allergist for testing and treatment. A common type of allergy test carried out by an allergist is called a skin test. During this test, your skin is pricked or scratched with small needles containing potential allergens. Your skin’s reaction is documented. If you’re allergic to a particular substance, your skin will become red and inflamed—a sign of an allergic reaction.
Your doctor or allergist may also order a blood test known as a radioallergosorbent test (RAST). Your blood will be tested for the presence of allergy-causing antibodies, or cells that react to allergens (Mayo Clinic, 2012).

How Are Allergies Treated?
The best treatment for allergies is avoiding whatever triggers the reaction.
Since people with hay fever and seasonal allergies cannot avoid the outdoor environment forever, treatment involves medications, such as antihistamines, to control the symptoms. The medication can be over-the-counter or prescription, depending on the severity of your allergies.
Allergy medications include:
·         antihistamines
·         corticosteroids
·         cromolyn sodium
·         decongestants
·         leukotriene modifiers
Many people opt for immunotherapy. This involves several injections of purified extracts from the allergens given over a few years. This helps the body become accustomed to the substance that produces the allergic reaction. Successful immunotherapy can prevent allergy symptoms from returning.
Emergency Epinephrine
People who have severe, life-threatening allergic reactions typically carry an emergency epinephrine shot, commonly called an EpiPen. (EpiPen is one brand name; another commonly used brand is Tinject.) This shot is given to counter the allergic reaction until medical help arrives.
There are many “natural” treatments and supplements marketed to treat allergies, but you should discuss these with your doctor before trying them. Some natural treatments may contain other allergens.
How to Prevent Allergies
There is no way to prevent allergies, but there are ways to prevent the symptoms from occurring. The best way to prevent allergy symptoms is to avoid the allergens that trigger them.
Avoidance is the most effective way to treat food allergens. Trying an elimination diet can help you determine the cause of your allergens so you know how to avoid them. Thoroughly reading food labels and asking questions while dining out are basic steps to help avoid food allergens.
Preventing seasonal allergies, contact allergies, and other allergies boils down to knowing where the allergens are located and how best to avoid them. For example, if you’re allergic to dust, installing proper air filters in your home, getting your air ducts professionally cleaned, and regularly dusting your home can help reduce symptoms.
Proper allergy testing can help you pinpoint your exact triggers, which makes them easier to avoid.
Outlook: Living With Allergies
Allergies are common and don’t have life-threatening consequences for most people. Those who run the risk of anaphylaxis can learn how to manage their allergies and what to do in an emergency situation.
Most allergies are manageable with avoidance, medications, and lifestyle changes. Working with your doctor or allergist can help reduce any major complications and make life more enjoyable.
Source: healthline

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Remedies for hair growth

31 Powerful Home Remedies For Hair Growth That Work Wonders